Monday, December 19, 2005

useful Latin phrase for the day

Hoc est armarium valde magnus.

I know there's a way to decline adjectives to make them comparative, but I don't know what it is. Please include translations and corrections as comments. The answer will be supplied presently.


Anonymous said...

This is cupboard intensely large?

Susannah said...

Good try, kiddo! No.
Hint: "armarium" was the closest I could come to a larger, though similar piece of furnature... something you'd find not so much in the kitchen but rather in (shall we say) a spare room?

Anonymous said...

Being Roman Catholic, I should've taken Latin!

Anonymous said...

Hoc est valde magnum amarium

(magnum has to match armarium in case ending -um)(adjectives denoting size normally precede the noun)

This is a very great (large) wardrobe (or armoire)

An Amarium was a Roman cupboard for keeping arms, clothes, books, money etc.

Susannah said...

Well done, Todd! Next prize goes to the one who identifies the reference.

Anonymous said...

The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe?

"And shortly after that they looked into a room that was quite empty except for one big wardrobe;.."

Susannah said...

Full marks!