Thursday, February 08, 2007

Come to a Night of Appreciation, Emulation, Infiltration, Obfuscation and Literary Discussion

Think of a British Christian version of the Superfriends, and you've got a--well, a not entirely accurate idea of the Inklings. JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Charles Williams, and their friends used to meet, semi-weekly, at a pub in Oxford called the Eagle and Child, where they'd read bits from their works in progress, drink beer, and talk about everything in the world. This upcoming Tuesday, there will be a gathering at Packards in their honor. RSVP to, or just show up. Everyone welcome.

Topics to be covered may (or may not) include:

Aquinas, Beekeeping, Chesterton, Distributism, Elves, the Fall of Man, Grace, Homebrewing, Irenaeus, Jacobitism, Kant, Lions, Mythopoeia, Natural Law, Organic Farming, the Person from Porlock, Quixotic Enterprises, the Romance of Lost Causes, Sherbet, the Trivium, Unusually Good Coffee, Virtue, Walter Scott, the X-Men, Yentas, and Zoological Gardens

Tuesday, February 13, 7:30 p.m.
(in the back room called the Library)
Masonic Street, Northampton, Massachusetts

This Event Brought To You By
AKA Scriptores

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Leslie wrote (in his comment below) about " we used to argue about whether the Metric or Customary was better"

That is exactly what I'm talking about! Another example: in, um, three weeks I'll be going to France for a fortnight (score one use of the word "fortnight"), and I'll be using Euros! Feh. J'aime le franc. J'aime also les dodgy currency changing booths around every European train station when I was Eurailing it in 1998, and it's so sad that they're not needed anymore.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Small, local, old, and particular are almost always better than big, global, new, and abstract.

-- Rod Dreher

Classic Melodie Foster Quote

"I love cake! It's my favorite texture!"

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Theoretically. And I'm not saying that's all there is to it. But water is good!
A well-hydrated writer is a productive writer.