Wednesday, March 01, 2006

When Napoleon

and Tsar Alexander I met up in Tilsit in 1807 to discuss the potential alliance of their two nations, they ended up (according to Napoleon's valet) spending a long time discussing cures for baldness.

I'm just saying.


Anonymous said...

You know, when I first read this, I thought it said "when Napoleon, Tsar Alexander and I met..." and I laughed. "Where is she going with this," I wondered. Then I kept reading and realized you probably weren't trying to imply that you met with them in 1807 - but only because the topic was balding.

Anonymous said...

you are my favorite.

Anonymous said...

this quote made me laugh. especially because i was being lectured about PTH by a bald professor. with a combover (NOT a good cure for baldness)

Susannah said...

Baldness in general I have no problem with: I am the girl who had a terminal crush on Captain Picard for many, many years, after all. Combovers can be a problem.

Anonymous said...

can be? nay, I would argue that any such pathetic costuming of the natural human decay process is abominable in any form.

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