Wednesday, February 22, 2006

best quote of the weekend. Had heavy competition, too.

Me: Oh, you know what? Major Winters wrote an actual autobiography that just came out.

Miss F (gasps): Is it called "I'm So Swoony"?

FYI here is the book.

I woke up Tuesday morning and started laughing before I got out of bed, remembering this.


Anonymous said...

that WAS the best quote! i love how swoony is a group word. it was an excellent quote board weekend. so many very silly things got said. can't wait to see you again! - charissa

Anonymous said...

You know, he could've used "I'm So Swoony" as a subtitle, given the choice of cover art (or maybe it's just one of those commonly understood unspoken truths).

Anonymous said...

I can NOT WAIT to meet your people. Do you have a website? -rachel